About Junnocobijoux

Six years ago when my daughter was still at home we decided to volunteer on a cleanup in the mountains above Santa Barbara. The fire department was cleaning up a shooting range up there that was a disaster of left garbage and plenty of used cartridges. As we were bending and raking (Not to ignore the shirtless firefighters) my daughter, who had taken some jewelry workshops with me said, "mom! You could do something with these!" The aha moment.

I thought recycling them into something more beautiful and useful would be of benefit in many ways. Then I read a story in the Los Angeles Times about the women in war zones collecting spent ordnance and melting them down to make beads for jewelry to sell and feed themselves.
That story made me believe that recycling can make a difference. I use silver and gold that has been recycled from scrap. ( I send in my scrap to be remade into wire.) I choose my stones carefully so no one has been harmed in the mining of them, and try to support all recycling efforts. It is my thought that most of what we need is already available to us in countless ways, without damaging our fragile world. So if I can take an already questionable object and make something of beauty and usefulness of it, I will...and I am quite passionate about it. I do make what I call regular jewelry,but I really do love taking something that has been discarded and creating loveliness from it.... Enjil